Sunday, April 18, 2010

Garrett Turns 5

Garrett had such a busy day that he fell fast asleep before bedtime.

My Garrett boy turned 5 years old. I can't believe that he is that old. It seems like only yesterday that we were in the hospital being told that they were air lifting him downtown to the children's hospital. Now, he is 5 and healthy as an ox. We went to see his cardiologist a couple days ago and she told us that he was cleared from clinic. That means that he no longer has to go see the doctor for his heart unless he starts having problems again. His doctor told us that most kids born with neonatal SVT usually have a recurrance around 8 years old. I pray that he doesn't have any further problems but at least he will be able to tell us that there is something wrong this time. He is such a fun little boy. We are so lucky to have him in our family. He is very witty and is so fun to be around. He is very talented and is a great ball player. Wes is always telling him that he is the favorite and I think that he really may be. He is so excited to be starting school this year but I am sad that he won't be home with us during the day anymore. I love him so much and am so happy that he is in our family.

1 comment:

jamieh said...

Okay, so I'm a bit slow on getting around to this kind of stuff but HAPPY BIRTHDAY GARRETT!!! What a fun little dude he is, Jaden still asks about him all the time :) We miss you guys!