Monday, January 5, 2009

Briana's Miracle

Today Briana went in for her 4th round of chemo. She also received the results from her blood work. For those who haven't heard about 2 1/2 months ago Briana, my younger sister, found out that she had stage 4 colon cancer. She is 29 years old with four children. She is in amazing health. In fact, she had run a marathon just weeks before finding out. She ran marathons all the time. She ran the Boston marathon with my other sister in April. It was a huge shock to all of us that anything like this could happen to anyone, but especially Bri. She was not given very positive chances but a priesthood blessing that she received told her differently. She was told in the blessing that she would be completely healed. It has been so wonderful to be able to watch the miracles take place since that blessing. Mom has been out with her most of the time since just before she found out. I am so glad that she is able to be there with her. She had 2 large tumors removed along with several other little ones during a major surgery that she had the week she found out. Before the surgery her blood count was at 460. After the surgery it came back at 146. A healthy persons reading is between 0 and 2. Today she got her blood work back from the doctor and her blood count now is 10. The doctors were amazed at how quickly she has turned around. Bri said the nurses were astounded at her progress. I, myself, was not surprised at all. Either was anyone in our family or around Briana. I am so grateful for the power of the priesthood and that miracles are still being performed here on earth today. Briana is a walking miracle. I am so blessed to be able to witness this great miracle in her life. I know that her positive attitude and strong faith in the Lord has been a huge part of her recovery. I am so thankful to so many who have prayed and fasted on her behalf. I have even felt the blessings from the power of prayer from the comfort that has come. What a great day!!!


Briana said...

and I am especially grateful for those prayers and priesthood blessings!

love you, Ape

ZB said...

Wow, I am so glad to hear this. What an incredible miracle.