Jackson pinning his bear badge on me

Buddy pinning his bobcat badge on me
Jackson received his bear and Buddy received his bobcat at cub scouts last night. They were very excited to finally advance. The boys have to pin something on me when they advance. I have to say that it was very scary having them pin something on me. Especially since they weren't paying attention most of the time they were trying to put it on me. They have been working very hard to advance. Buddy almost has his wolf done and should receive it in the next couple months.
ah that's so cute! i can't wait to have boys and experience all the fun stuff like this!
Scouting really is not my thing but we are learning it little by little. With five boys I'm guessing that I should probably figure it out pretty soon.
You need a ribbon for them to pin them on. One side is for Cubs and the other side is for Scouts. I love mine! And the best part is that I get to wear them all at every Pack Meeting and Court of Honor. It was easy to make. I just wish I had made it a little longer.
Oh, Rheese is getting his Bear this week (should have gotten it in Dec. but George couldn't be there, he's Cubmaster) and Lane should be done with his Wolf in a few months. They will be my last Cubs.
Niki, I can't believe that your boys are that old already. I know that they are my boys age but because I haven't been around them since they were little I still picture them as little boys.
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