While we were cleaning up the house for Santa to come we decided to taket he crib down. Blake isn't sleeping in it anymore and so we thought we would free up the space. The kids thought it would be a good idea to slide down the stairs on the mattress. They had so much fun, even Blake got involved. While I was taking photos the mattress smashed into me at the bottom of the stairs and bent my toe nail back causing it to turn black very quickly. It was not very fun for me. However, the kids talked me into taking Blake down and trying it out. I have to admit it was pretty fun.
Ouch! You are fun though. Was that the only injury?
now those are the kinds of memories you want your kids to have of you!
april! its jamie pew. i was reading your last story...you are a great mom! i need to loosen up a bit. when i read blogs like this it reminds me just what its like to be a kid. thanks! and congrats on #6! you are amazing!
I just thought it may be an idea to post incase anyone else was having problems researching but I am a little unsure if I am allowed to put names and addresses on here. buying mattress online
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