This is Josie a week ago at the rodeo prior to the accident
This is Josie after the accident with her missing teeth
On Sunday night Josie was playing with a little friend on a gate. They were swinging one another back and forth on the gate. Josie's friend pushed Josie pretty hard so that she would have a really fun ride but instead Josie's face hit the fence and she broke her two front teeth. When I got to her I thought that she had broken her right tooth up to the gum line. However, after x-rays and consulting with her dentist it looks like she jammed it back up into he gums. They are both broken a little bit but it may not be as bad as we originally thought. Her gums are badly bruised but all in all it could be a lot worse. We are hoping that the tooth will come back down on it's own and that the roots will be okay. We will go back to the dentist in two weeks for another x-ray to check on the roots and to see if the tooth is coming back down at all. We are praying for the best.
Poor Josie girl!!!
That hurts me just looking at it! I hope she's ok. But I'm glad to see she's still smiling!
Are these her permanent teeth?
yes ma'am
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